The Answer

What is the one indispensable ingredient of life?

What is the most potent force in the universe?

What is God’s greatest gift?

How is God is manifested in the world?

Where can we find the solution to all the problems we face?

There is only one answer, one hope and possibility.

The answer is Love.

Love is the one thing you can never get enough of.

Love is the one thing you can never give enough of.

We receive love not in proportion to our power, possessions, or position in life, nor in correlation to our needs and desires, but only in proportion to our own capacity to love.

The only way to have love is to give it.

No matter what the problem is the answer will always be found when we surround it with love.

Thus it is that in loving and giving we find the meaning and purpose for our lives.

All we really need is love. There is no greater gift.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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2 Responses to The Answer

  1. CQ Huynh says:

    Thank you, Bill! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family! Love, Cuong

  2. Jill Hardy Heath says:


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